Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day 4

Amidst billboard after billboard of children with downs syndrome who have somehow become the poster children for "Pro Families Across America", ultra right wing radio and guns held on the back window of pick up trucks it was VERY refreshing to settle into the hotel and see a documentary on the Mississippi Delta.  Last night I caught the 'Guide to the Best Bar-B-Que' in the Delta.  Turns out even the politics of the Presidential election can't keep down great food and great music!  

All that aside, I'm 2,600 kilometers into this journey and have another 1,400 to go before reaching the Delta.  Two thirds way there...yaaahooooo!  And that Mississippi is growing wide and strong as I travel along.  I can hardly wait to post new photos of just how mighty she is.  In fact, there is a major flood watch on in the Delta right now.  With driving safety coaching from the weather person on TV I shall soldier onward.

Stay well and write...okay?
