Friday, April 4, 2008

Hills of Iowa

The mist was levatating this morning and defined the soft, rolling hills of Iowa through most of my drive.  The landscape was so stunning that I couldn't help but to hum a Dar Williams song line..."I've never had a way with women but the hills of Iowa make me wish that I could".  The photos above couldn't capture the beauty of the feminine energy of the land.  In perfect juxtapostion to yesterday's billboards were billboards with a photo of the Dalai Lama with the caption "He doesn't just talk about peace, he demonstrates it in his every action".  

The front page of the Iowa Gazette today had a photo of Martin Luther King Jr. on the cover with the caption.."Inspiring Still:  Message of racial equality remains relevant 40 years after King's death".  I was just a baby when he was assassinated in the Lorraine Motel.  It is now the National Civil Rights Museum and will be my first stop in Memphis tomorrow.  I realized that after such a great drive that I could now make it to Memphis as I'd planned.  The energy is pulling me in.  All the reading and preparing over the past 5 months will be in action.  Glorious!

Blessed Be,