Saturday, May 3, 2008

Belzoni, Mississippi & Area Photos

Legendary Pinetop Perkins

At 3am I was awakened by the sound of sirens indicating that the 'Thunderstorm Warning' had turned into a tornado.  It was fierce and seemingly unrelenting as it ripped through this little town of Kosciusko, Mississippi where I'd decided to anchor in an attempt to escape the storm sweeping southern Mississippi.  I got clothed, shoes on and then gripping my bag with all my identification in it I sat in the small prison bathroom of the Days Inn.  Shivering, shaking and wanting to call to loved ones but not wanting to panic anyone back home.  That hour and a half was very, very, very long.  But, at 5:30a I awoke in the bathtub, the tornado hadn't caused me damage but it sure left a path of destruction.  I was very lucky to be in a sturdy building that is relatively new.  I can't imagine the panic of people living literally in 'shacks' that would not even qualify as inhabitable back home.  This appears to be the case for a majority of housing options for African Americans throughout the Mississippi.  (I have logged many kilometers and talked with many people so I now feel comfortable having and expressing an opinion.)

Lucky for me the alarm went off and the sun had emerged for the Pinetop Perkins Official Blues Marker dedication today.  So there on highway 49 just outside Belzoni, MS, Pinetop's home town, is the marker you see at the top.  The Mississippi Blues Commission really should be congratulated for all the work they are doing to mark the important pieces of blues history.  I am grateful because even with a well researched guidebook it is very difficult to find pieces of blues history.  As one would expect with all the disrupted energy of the tornado there were unfortunate hit and misses throughout this dedication.  The marker is beautiful especially the photos and the dedication was heartfelt.  Pinetop's musical friends gathered to play with and celebrate him but the show was 2 hours delayed (and in the Mississippi heat that's a looooonnnnngggg time), the sound was absolutely horrible and his piano was terribly out of tune.  He played a song then refused to carry on due to these issues and what seemed like seriously deteriorating health.  At age 94, and that's a blues 94, it is to be expected.  It was no better for Bobby Rush but it wasn't the day that anyone had hoped for in order to show deep appreciation for this fabulous musician!  

There you have it...Pinetop Perkins living long enough to see his dedication marker unveiled.  One of a few.  He still has some serious chops on the keys and you can tell by his socks that he is livin' the life!  

Congratulations Pinetop!!
Kat Danser - there in '08.