Sunday, March 8, 2009

Masters in Ethnomusicology Here I Come!!

Hey All,
Man, oh, man what a week. Everything from having an electronic grant application I'd worked really hard on get wiped out of cyberspace to frustrated people critiquing my work. But hey, what can you do. All a part of this wild ride.

Good news though, I received the final, final confirmation that I'll begin graduate studies this coming Fall. I'll be working on my Masters in Ethnomusicology and I'm definitely up to the challenge. I look foward to expanding my ability to think critically and to engage different processes that will expand my world view. It's been 20 years since I've been in University so that will be a steep and welcome learning curve. More music...less Social Work sounds like a recipe for reduced stress to be sure.

On a performance front I've been performing this past weekend at the University of Alberta Graduate Music Students Conference. I had a terrific time and was exhausted but in a good way at the end of it all. I did a presentation on "Images, Pen & Performance: Inclusion of the Listener in New Works of Art". It felt good to share my musical life in that setting and thank Micheal McDonald for including me.

Because I love performance and writing so much it may be hard to share space with demanding academic work but I feel like my developmental flow is to learn about music and the interface with culture that shapes it. And, it'll definitely accord me the privaledge to study about blues and grassroots music at a deeper level. I'd better love big words and complex thoughts :-)

I hope you are well. Rock on...Kat