Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ground Swell of Support

I'm now counting the hours until I leave on this voyage. Monday, March 31, 2008 will be an amazing day to let the wind blow in my hair and leave my concerns behind me. I am very excited for the freedom despite internal conflicts about leaving my sweetie to 'hold down the fort'. However, our agreement is to support each other in achieving our individual dreams and this is mine.

I feel such support as I move into this experience and the culmination of energy was rich for my March 15 concert at the Blue Chair Acoustic Cafe. What a night! I really needed that support and encouragement. Thanks to everyone who gave it in spades. The idea is to do a couple dinner concerts upon my return with photos and video backing the new tunes. We'll see how that develops. My goal is not to erase the tapes at this point. :-)

Keep in touch and see you soon...Kat


Debra said...

Yeah, if I were you, I'd be having internal conflicts about your sweetie's ability to hold down the fort too. (ha ha - I kid cuz I love)

Safe travels today!

Kat said...

hey girl! what's up? thanks for the comment. how's your new apartment? take care and keep well, kat (S.I.L.)